Publications by SHS

The Watchfield Chronicle 

By Neil B. Maw

To read the book by chapter in PDF format please click each heading

And can also be downloaded


Pre-historic - Roman

Anglo Saxon Charters

Norman - Mediaeval

The 17th Century

Watchfield Vestry Minutes

Watchfield House


The Old Chapel

The New Chapel

The Old Methodist Chapel

The Enclosures Act

The Mills

Little Mill (aka Tuckmill)

The Fairthornes

West Mill

West Mill House

Strattonborough Castle Farm

The Cold Bath

The School

The Old Poor House

The Star Inn


Friendly Society Festivals

Accidents, Disasters & Death

Politics & Business

Children’s Treats

The Barrington Connection

The Military College

The RAF Base & Wireless Station

Lists - Chapel Wardens, Baptisms & Burials

About the Author

Beckett & The Barringtons

By Neil B. Maw & Vivien Moss

This publication is the result of much research carried out by Shrivenham Heritage Society members

The book is available in PDF format in high resolution by going HERE

and low res by going HERE

The Letters of George Merryweather

By Neil B. Maw & Vivien Moss

To read a copy of this publication in PDF Format please go HERE

Augusta Barrington’s Memoirs

Transcribed by Vivien Moss

To read a copy of this publication in PDF format please go HERE

The Beckett Chronicle

By Neil B. Maw

To read the book by chapter in PDF format please click each heading

And can also be downloaded


Early & Mediaeval

Lords of the Manor

The 17th Century

The 18th Century

The Farms

19th Century Farms & Cottages

Cottage leases & Alms

Use of the Park


Local Influence


The Forrester’s

Cricket and The End

The Stones of St. Andrew’s 

By Neil B. Maw

This is the Index to 880 names in alphabetical order, that appear on the grave stones - upright & laid down

To read a copy in PDF format please go HERE

© Neil Maw 2022