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Do you know?

We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...

If you would like to view any item please email us to make an appointment, details on the Home page. 


Our Collection

Here you'll find a variety of references, images, artefacts and documents, maps, old Parish Council records, the memories of living (local and ex-pat.) villagers and old census records in our collection. Use the search function above or click on the images to view our collection.

Special Collections put in Search Box - BHP (Bourton House papers)
SJC (St James papers) Ebay (Documents saved from EBay)


Coming Up

10 April 2025

The next Quarterly Meeting will be held on Thurs 24th April - Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start. After a brief, Year's End, AGM, our Chairman, Bjorn Watson, will begin the celebrations of the Centenary of the Memorial Hall. His talk will be on the 'The Memorial Hall and the Amazing Claridges.' It begins with Harold Claridge, the first Caretaker of the newly opened Memorial Hall in 1925 - 100 years ago.

Coming Up
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