Coming Up
17 April 2025
The next Quarterly Meeting will be held in April - date to be announced very shortly
More detailsExplore the catalogue
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
If you would like to view any item please email us to make an appointment, details on the Home page.
Members of the society hold a privileged position in the community as the custodians of the village archives, and as such, membership is granted upon each applicant agreeing to abide by the spirit of the society’s aims and objectives.
Please pass these details to anyone you know who could also be interested in becoming a member. The more members we have, the greater pool of interests and expertise we can draw upon which can only make the society more successful and rewarding to belong to.
Membership of the society is at the discretion of the committee and subject to receipt of membership fees. Members are entitled to;
Members are subject to a full annual fee of £10 per individual and £15 for a couple unless there is 6 months or less remaining in the year of joining. Upon becoming a paid-up member of the society, the member shall receive a copy of the society’s rules and aims and objectives. Infringement of the society’s rules will be deemed an infringement of membership.
Cheques for annual membership fees should be made payable to “The Shrivenham Heritage Centre” and sent to: Bjorn Watson (Chairman), The Old House, Stainswick Lane, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire.
For further information please call Bjorn on +44 (0)1793 782748 or John Clements (Secretary) on +44 (0)1793 782708.
We are always looking for more people to help us archive our collection. No previous experience is necessary as there is a team of helpers willing to show new volunteers how our systems work. If you can spare some time, no matter how little or often, please get in touch!
17 April 2025
The next Quarterly Meeting will be held in April - date to be announced very shortly
More details