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We now know that the dwelling that was known as Tuckmill Cottage located at Watchfield, was part of a farm owned by the Fairthorne family from at least circa 1600. The cottage was historically occupied by the Miller who operated the Mill that lay close to the brook. Documents within the Berkshire County Archives at Reading and the National Archives at Kew have revealed more information from numerous visits made in 2016 - 19.
Nothing now remains at the location above ground apart from a few stones that are relevant to the enlightened visitor. The research was carried out by SHS member Neil B. Maw, and most of it was written up during the Pandemic of 2020 as seperate PDF documents.
The Writings of Victor Paget. In the later part of his life, Victor took to writing and produced a little booklet on Tuckmill. He also produced a more comprehensive account of his excavations and discoveries during the time that he lived there with his family, called 'A Potted History of Tuckmill.' This has been included in the book published by SHS called Tuckmill. He also wrote other stories unconnected with the Mill. All contained in a file loaned to us by Victor's Granddaughter, Andrea Steele. (Stored in C3.Wat.Gen).
To read the combined file in PDF format please go HERE
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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