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Class from the early 1960s

Shrivenham School Photo from the 1960s

We are grateful to Colin Buckland for allowing us to scan this photo and for the remarkable amount of names he's recalled as follows:

Top Row: Left to Right

Ann Belcher, Martin Beech, Carol House, Alwyn Anger, Clare Willis, Max Povey, Barbara Johnson, Arthur Adams, Sherry Griffin, Peter Harris, ?

Middle Row: L - R

Heather Smith, Jenny Lay, ?, Linda Hankinson, Cathy Bradshaw, Sylvia Carson, Angela Timms, ?, ?, 

Front Row: L - R

Peter Wilson, David Batsford, Colin Buckland, Alan Coles, Rosemary Cully, Joy Griffiths, Michael Bracey, Steve Thorpe, Robert Morton, Ralph Cuss.



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