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The School built in 1874 - now demolished
Entry in Logbook
Head Teachers 1900 - 2003

Longcot and Fernham School Log Books

School log books provide interesting information on day to day school life and it seems likely that a log book would have been started when the school opened. No book for the period to 1874 - 1900 has been found.

The log for 1900 to 1969, when school log records ceased, was transcribed by Shirley Dalton-Morris in 2002 and a list of head teachers was compiled. The original book for this period is now missing.

To read the School Log Book for the years 1900 - 1916 please go HERE

To read the School Log Book for the years 1917 - 1969 please go HERE



  • Year:
    1900 - 1969
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  • Ref:
    Online only
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    On line only



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