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David Pratt with young helper Imogen Buckle
Designer of the SHS Website Kirsten Buckle
Alan Todkil, John Hern and Vivien Moss
John Hern and Alan Todkil
Tony Belk, Nan Pratt in the background and John Clements on right
The view from the Mezzanine Store
The SHS Banner above the Memorial Hall entrance
Website Designer Kirsten Buckle on left, her husband Neville centre with John Brierwood
A County Councillor at the Launch ceremony
The moment when the SHS Website went Live
Volunteers John Varney on the right, John Brierwood being coached by Kirsten Buckle
Neil Maw and Frank Jones wrestling with an awkward parchment
Neil Maw holding up a document to be photographed
Chairman of SHS Bjorn Watson with the SHS Banner at the rear of the Memorial Hall
Neil Maw studying a book with Tony Jones looking on

Heritage Centre & Website uploading in preparation for launch

Photographs of preparation of Shrivenham Heritage Centre for Hertiage Lottery funded web-site launch 

Included in photos:
David Pratt - launch coordinator
Kirsten Buckle - Web designer
Imogen Buckle - volunteer
Vivien Moss - committee
John Hern - volunteer
Alan Todkill - volunteer
Tony Belk - committee
John Clements - committee
Nan Pratt - volunteer
John Comley - volunteer
John Brierwood - committee
Neville Buckle - volunteer
Tony Jones - Honorary Member
Neil Maw - committee
Frank Jones - volunteer
Bjorn Watson - chairman

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