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These documents are part of the collection called the Bourton House papers. (BHP) The following three are typical of the period, long drawn-out and repetitive, but they contain information about relationships of people who were active 300 years ago. They concern money that has been borrowed to buy property and land at Bourton.
Indenture dated 23rd March 1719, between Thomas Hinton of St Paul's, Covent Garden, Middx, Linnen Draper, eldest son of Giles Hinton late of the same, Linnen Draper, deceased, on the body of Elizabeth his wife, also deceased, and John New of Bourton, Yeoman, on the first part; Francis Loder of the Parish of Lechlade, Glos, Gent, on the second part; Thomas Cox of Bourton, Gent, and John Cox of the same, Gent on the third part. This referred to a sum of £207.10.0 owed by Thomas Cox but was settled in another transaction by a payment of £1521.
Indenture dated 27th June 1719. This seems to be an Indenture that is necessary to cover the legality of the Indenture above.
Indenture dated 28th March 1720 between Thomas Hinton of the Parish of St Paul's, Covent Garden on the first part, Thomas Loodyer of Much Haddenham, County of Herts, Gent, on the second part, Thomas Cox of Nether Bourton (Lower) Gent, and Robert Jenner of Kempsford, Glos, Gent, on the third part. Whereas by an Indenture or Deed or Mortgage dated 19th May 1692 between Giles Hinton of London, Linnen Draper, son and heir of Thomas Hnton on the first part, and Abigall King of Upham in the Parish of Aldborne, Wilts, Widow, of the other part, Giles Hinton and Elizabeth his wife, sold to her, all that ground called Shiltone ground, but now known as Little Ambroe and also 20 acres of straw mead lying in the Common Meadows of Bourton. Also the messuage or tenement in the occupation of Thomas Pinnell.
Also with this file is the Will and Probate of Thomas Cox of Bourton. The Will is dated 9th July 1738 and the Probate was granted at Canterbury on the 8th February same year.
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