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This listing is a collection of photographs of Beckett House from various view points and from diverse periods. Some of them are from the collections of Les Judd and Paul Williams. Others have been donated by individuals, the details of which are attached to the photo.
Whereas the Beckett Estate has been in the hands of the military since 1936 and not freely available for the public to visit, the Shrivenham Heritage Society is of the opinion that it has been preserved because of the military. A substantial amount of money has been spent over the last 80 years on the maintenance of the Mansion House by the government, and it is highly likely that the house would not have survived but for that intervention.
Beckett House
Becket House
Beckett Hall
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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