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Front views of Ivy House circa 1925. Courtesy of Paul Williams
Ivy House background right circa 1925. From the SHS Les Judd Collection
Rear view of Ivy House. Courtesy of Paul Williams
Military manoeuvres taken outside Ivy House circa 1910. From the SHS Les Judd Collection
DoE Listing for Ivy House 1983
Ivy House from circa 2019. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Ivy House covered in Ivy by the late Roy Selwood circa 1970s

Ivy House, High Street, Shrivenham

Although Ivy House occupies a prominent place in the High Street, the original single range property was just a working farmhouse. In the 19th century it was known simply as 'Shrivenham Farm.' It has been altered and enlarged since it's early 19th century beginnings that replaced an earlier, probably timber-framed, building.

The black and white photographs shown with this listing are in digital format and are from the Collections of Paul Williams and Shrivenham Heritage Society.

To read a history of the property known so far in PDF format, please go HERE


  • Year:
    1750 - 1950
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