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What we are now calling the Bourton House papers (BH) has enabled us to discover many new historical facts about Bourton. Research at the Royal Berkshire Archives had produced several tantalising clues that a substantial Parsonage House could have once existed at Lower Bourton. Evidence from the BH papers has confirmed it.
The Grange at Lower Bourton has long been suspected as being built by John Tucker. The initials on one of the Dutch Gable ends added weight to the theory but no documentary evidence could be quoted. The BH papers have now confirmed it whilst we now know the legal circumstances of how it came about, we still don't why he built it.
At the moment the story of Lower Bourton is being written up from the BH documents and other sources, and we will. update this listing accordingly.
To read a transcription of the description of Parsonage House that once stood at Lower Bourton please go HERE.
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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