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Shrivenham W.I. scrap book volume 7

Shrivenham Women's Institute Scrap Books. Vol 7

Shrivenham Women's Institute Scrap Book series Vol 7.

Album contains:

Drama Group Feb 1986

Outing to Bath 1986

Visit to waterperry Gardens 24 July 1986

Outside the Doomesday Exhibitions at Winchester on 21 Aug 1986

Shrivenham Village Fete 23 Aug 1986

Garden party at Freda Farley's Garden in June 1986

Stall at Village Hall Aug 1987

Christmas Dinner Dec 1986

Cogges Farm visit 4 June 1987

Ascot Visit - Ladies in their hats

Scarecrow for group competition 2 Oct 1987

River Trip on Thames from Buscot 1987

Visit to Wells Cathedral in Aug 1987

Our Chair entertained WI on 10 Dec 1987

Afternoon outing to Corsham Court 14 April 1988

Visit to see Royalty & Empire Exhibition by Madam Tussads at Windsor on 5 May 1988

Garden Party at 19 Stanswick Lane, Shrivenham on 7 July 1988

Visit to Westonbirt Arboretum 13 Oct 1988

Visit to Roman Museum, York, 10 - 14 Nov 1988

Christmas Dinner at Memorial Hall, Shrivenham in Dec 1988


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