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The purpose of this Listing is to explain just one of the latest discoveries from the letters of George Merryweather. He was Steward to the Beckett Estate, employed by the new George Lord Viscount Barrington (5th). His duties were to bring the estate back into good order and profitability after 21 years in Trust, and prepare for the building of a new Mansion House. He was a prolific writer and took his job very seriously. Surviving within the Barrington Collection held at the British Library, are 68 letters written by Merryweather. Shrivenham Heritage Society members Neil Maw and Vivien Moss have examined and photographed all the letters and recently transcribed them.
There are many discoveries within the pages of these important letters, and this listing on the hitherto unknown Lime Kiln and Quarry, is just one of them.
To read a detailed explanation of this discovery please go HERE
Also included with this listing is an article on the use of Lime Mortar and it's many benefits over modern cement. Also an illustration of the cycle involved to produce lime.
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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