News from Watchfield in 1867
The Western Gazette
Fri 8th March, 1867
Amusing Scene. A very amusing scene took place here a few evenings since. It appears that a young woman summoned a man to show cause why he should not support her illegitimate child. The defendant got the assistance of a ‘knight of the lapstone’ to try to prove the plaintiff of light character, but to no avail; an order of 1s 6d per week was made.
A well known character of the place, assisted by many others, formed a procession, and paraded an effigy of the Snob round the village, and then returned to a scaffold, where he was hung. After hanging a short time, it was cut down and burnt. It is said that a few superstitious people really believed that the living Snob was burnt, for they were seen the next morning raking about the ashes to try and find his bones.
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