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Concern for the burial ground that was adjacent to the Baptist Chapel at Kingston Winslow started in the beginning of the 20th century. The Council Minute Book (N1030) page 170, recorded at a meeting dated 17th April 1916, instructions to the Clerk to communicate with the Executors of the late Mr Henry Pound senior of Upper Mill, Kingstone, with regard to the condition of the Burial Ground belonging to the Baptist Chapel, now demolished at Kingstone.
The letters and correspondence that went through Ashbury Parish Council continued until 1970, when, presumably, a solution was reached as to how the ground should be protected. This listing contains those documents. The chapel building was apparently closed down around 1920 and as it deteriorated it was slowly dismantled and taken away. From the aerial photo attached to this listing it looks as though the burial ground today is clear and unobstructed.
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