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Rose Cottage. Photo by Neil B. Maw
The Sale Poster from 1915
The whole Row on that part of the High St. Photo by Neil B. Maw
1935 (edited) Rose Cottage on the right showing the covered entrance mentioned in the sale poster.

Sale of Rose Cottage, Shrivenham

The purpose of this listing is to record a property that still exists today but was known by the name of Rose Cottage at the beginning of the 20th century. The sale was brought about by the death of Mrs Stephens and a newspaper article revealed that farming stock was linked to the sale of the cottage and also a separate Stable and Coach House located next to the Victoria Hotel at Shrivenham Station (see SHS Listing No N592). The sale of the cottage took place on 17th June 1915 and several newspaper articles gave an account of some of the fine furniture and household effects that were sold with it. The purchaser was Mr W. Cousins of Swindon who paid £270. To read the newspaper clips please go HERE. The covered entrance mentioned in the sale poster can be seen in the 1935 photograph on the left side of the cottage.



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