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The label on the bundle of letters
The letter informing the estate had been sold
Low resolution copy of the estate map
Catalogue front cover
The introduction page of the catalogue
The Schedule to be used in conjunction with the catalogue and map
The first page of the official Agreement that sold the property

The Sale of the Bourton Estate in 1946

This Listing contains the papers that were generated during the sale of the agricultural portion of the estate. The Mansion House and it's immediate grounds of 82 acres was sold seperately in the latter part of 1945 for £11,000 to Pinewood School Ltd. Details of this sale are in Listing No N3582. There is a bundle of letters and correspondence that began in March 1946. Mrs Daphne Edwards, daughter and one of the Executors of Lady Louisa Butler's Will, instructed her agents Hobbs & Chambers of Faringdon, to sell the estate. A letter from them dated 11th April 1946 confirmed that a sale had been agreed with Cornhill Insurance Ltd for £49,500.

There is a large amount of documentary material in this file, maps, inventories, valuations etc. We have also included the large, detailed mortgage indenture of 1917 with which Cyril Butler borrowed £34,000 using the estate as security and payments, further additions and interest rates are noted on the rear. There was a catalogue produced that contains every last detail of what was to be sold at an auction scheduled for May 1946. But because the estate was sold by private treaty the auction didn't happen. We have scanned the Proof copy of the catalogue which may be seen by going HERE.

We have scanned some of the documents in high resolution, such as the large estate map. These are available upon request. Or a visit to the Centre if more in-depth detail is required.

To read a general precis and observations of the documents in this file please go HERE.



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