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From the Oxford Journal, dated 12 April, 1823
British Newspaper Archive © 2015 brightsolid Newspaper Archive Ltd
Superior Southdown and Half-bred Sheep, selected with great care from the best Stocks in this kingdom.
To be sold by auction, by Fidel & Son
On Monday the 21st day of April, 1823, on the Premises, at West-Mill Farm, in the parish of Watchfield, near Shrivenham, Berks, in the occupation of Mr Richard Tuckey, who is leaving the same – All the well-bred STOCK of SOUTHDOWN and half-bred SHEEP, CART HORSES, IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, and other effects: comprising 300 two-toothed Southdown ewes and lambs, 200 six-toothed ewes, 100 half-bred ditto, 40 barren ewes, 1 four-toothed Southdown ram, 5 six-toothed ditto, 4 milch cows, 1 two-year old well-bred bull, 8 cart horses and mares, 2 nag horses, yearling filly (by Sasenagh) 4 narrow-wheeled waggons, 4 six inch-wheel dung carts, 1 narrow-wheel ditto, iron-axled covered cart, 4 two-wheeled ploughs, 3 one wheel ditto, 1 skim ditto, 30 dozen of hurdles, 4 dozen of sheep cages, and other effects.
Catalogues will appear in due time, to be had at the Inns in the neighbourhood, place of sale, and of the auctioneers, Faringdon.
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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