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The centre of the singing and bellringing, St Andrew's church, Shrivenham. Photo by Neil B. Maw

A Choir Supper in Shrivenham in 1907

Faringdon Advertiser
Sat 5 Jan, 1907
Choir Supper
On Tuesday evening, at the Vicarage, the Rev E.F. Hill entertained to supper the adult members of the choirs of Shrivenham and Watchfield, with the church-wardens and bellringers of both parishes. The Vicar was in the chair, and the Rev B.M Hawes (Curate of Watchfield), occupied the vice-chair. After supper the Chairman proposed the health of the Churchwardens, which was responded to by Mr J.G. Day, Mr R.W. Hedges and Mr D. Pocock. The ‘Choirs and Choirmasters’ was next given. Mr Olliver (organist of Shrivenham Church), in replying, thanked the Vicar for his eulogistic remarks on the efficiency of the choir and services, and congratulated both the men and boys on the improved attendance at the choir practises. Mr Manners also responded, and remarked that Lord Barrington deserved their best thanks for the splendid organ he had lately presented to Watchfield Church. In proposing the health of ‘The Bellringers’ the Chairman feelingly alluded to the death of the veteran bellringer and chorister, Mr J. Knapp, who had probably created a record by his 77 years of service, and he was present with them at last year’s gathering. He hoped it might be possible to perpetuate his memory, either by erecting a tablet in the Church or in some other suitable way. He would leave the suggestion for the consideration of those present. He complimented the ringers on the improvement shown lately in their change ringing. Mr T. Dyke (Head bellringer), in replying, stated that at present they could ring about 60 changes, but he hoped they would extend that number to 120 before long, and be able to join the Guild of Bellringers. The satisfactory improvement in the ringing was to a great extent due to the regular attendance and attention of the ringers at the practises. Mr D. Pocock next proposed the health of the  ‘Vice-chairman,’ prefacing his remarks by a sympathetic reference to the late sexton, Mr J. Lucas, who had passed away during the year. The Rev B.M. Hawes suitably acknowledged the compliment. The concluding toast, that of ‘The Chairman,’ was proposed by Mr R, Hedges, and briefly responded to by the Vicar. Interspersed with the speeches were several good songs, which were given by members of the Choir. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem.
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