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Shrivenham Through the Lens
Shrivenham Through the Lens
Shrivenham Through the Lens
page 2

Shrivenham Through the Lens

FACE Project of photos in an album. Much of this has been annotated and data-based on the PEOPLE sheet within the Index workbook.

Multiple photos of any activites and people in the village in 1996.  Index also in C1 SHR.0.8 

People include: Brenda and Jonathan Newland, Sam Williams, Mr Dell, Margaret and John Williams, Mrs Wells, Sue Curry, Emily Noon, Richard Legg, Emma Cook, Adam Fescher, Midhael Turner, Chanel, Edward Crump, Rebecca and Jenny Crabtree, Morva White, Lauren Jones, Rhodes, Norris, Stuart and Dave Elbrow, Brenda Crowder, Chris Hill, Grahame Jones, Mrs Norris, Rose-Anne O'Hare, Shirley and Patrick Higgins, Amy Barrett, Amy Hemsley, Thomas Siston, Annabel Stevens, Benjamin Hachula, Timothy Collins, Amber Elsmore, Daniel Thomas, Kirsten Hughes, Jack Macdonald, Andrew Pearson, Lauren and Corinne Jones, James Knowles, Mel Picket, Josie and Rory MacGregor, Emelia and Karina Love, Clementine Crockett, David Tanwood, Don Allen, John Norris, Matthew Wood, Kathy Noon, Peter Causer, Emily Crowder, Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Jordan, Peter Sharman, Saunders, Patrick Higgins, Megan Jones, Paul Turner, Sarah Barlow, Mrs Barlow, Omelia Legg, Louise Gale, Adrian Lovegrove, Sarah Lane, Rebecca Haynes, Isaac Bunce, Rachel Crowder, Mr Kelly, Mrs Igoe,  Kasia Love, Tony Crabtree.

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