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Beckett House near Shrivenham, ancestral seat of the Barringtons
An obituary
Articles from The Times and The Independant newspapers
An article from The Telegraph newspaper dated 10/4/1990
His ashes placed with the grave of Walter the 9th Viscount at St Andrew's churchyard, Shrivenham

Patrick William Daines Lord Viscount Barrington (11th)

Patrick William Daines Lord Viscount Barrington succeeded to the viscountcy in 1960 and upon his death in 1990 the title died with him and became extinct. And so ended 270 years of the dynasty, the Barringtons of Beckett. This listing is a collection of documents brought about by his death, and the arrangements that were made to inter his ashes at St Andrew's churchyard, Shrivenham. There are several letters from his solicitors and the Vicar of Shrivenham and some of his relatives. After a short service in July 1990, his ashes were placed near the grave of Walter Bulkeley the 9th Viscount and a memorial plaque put in the place at the end of the tombstone. One of the men who carried out this work was local man Malcolm Tombs who worked for the owner of Shrivenham House nearby. 

To read a poem or witty verse written by Patrick Barrington that appeared in the publication called, 'More Comic & Curious Verse,'  entitled, 'The Diplomatic Platypus' please go HERE.

Within this listing that is a copy of a legal document whereby Patrick Barrington gave  Power of Attorney to his to Rudyard Holt Russell, Gavin James Ironside-Smith and George Peter Hutchinson, (Lawyers). There is a full resolution copy in the SHS Digital Vault in Folder 'Barrington Estate.



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