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Map of Longcot in 1893 showing the site of the school
The 'new' school, 1920
Mrs Betty O'Brien, retired headmistress and Mrs Glady's Crosbie, second and third from left campaigned to keep a school in the village
2024 Longcot School. The 1874 school was in front of the present building

Longcot & Fernham School, 150th Anniversary

In 2024 the villages of Longcot & Fernham celebrate 150 years of a primary school in Longcot.

In 1874 the new school opened with over 100 pupils and one or two teachers. The red brick building, condemned in 1945, survived threats of closure until 1969. During those years the village almost lost its school but a campaign by the headmistress and local residents ensured its survival. In 1969 a new school was built. In 2024 after a number of improvements and extensions, the school continues to thrive.


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    1874 - 2024
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    Bookshelf S4B



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