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Local Freemasonry
Local Freemasonry
Local Freemasonry
Local Freemasonry
Local Freemasonry

Local Freemasonry

This listing is to give the basic information on two local lodges that belong to the United Grand Lodge of England. Many residents of Shrivenham and the surrounding district are members of the two Craft Lodges that meet in Faringdon. The oldest is the Vale of White Horse Lodge No 1770, that was consecrated in 1878. From that lodge came the Ashdown Lodge No 8592, described as a daughter lodge of VOWH.

In this listing we have a 25th Anniverary booklet of Ashdown Lodge and to read a newspaper article on the consecration of the VOWH Lodge in 1873 please go HERE

To see a once framed picture of Ashdown House with a letter attached to the back of it, and donated to Ashdown Lodge on it's consecration by a member of the Craven family, please go HERE


Collated by W.Bro Neil B. Maw

  • Year:
    1873 & 1999
  • Place:
  • Ref:
    C3.9.6.0 & Map Chest
  • Item Ref:
  • Find it:
    C3.SHR.9.6.0 & Map Chest



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