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This Listing is made up of numerous pieces of information that can be seen at the Heritage Centre Archive and will be found under category C2.SHR.5.3.0. The books referred to will bear a shelf number.
To understand the RMCS at Shrivenham, it would be prudent for the researcher to understand the history of the college. We have a good explanation in our archive. To read the whole document written by Associate Professor J.H.R Whiston, please go HERE
We also have a brief history of the RMCS Shrivenham that was prepared by the War Office and Central Office of information and printed in 1961 SHS Listing No N687
We also have a book from October 1976 that lists all the courses that were available at the college. Located Shelf S1A.
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
If you would like to view any item please email us to make an appointment, details on the Home page.