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The listings from Fairbairns book of Crests

Barrington Family Seal

This listing is to record the existence of a Seal thst bears the arms of the Barrington family. In 2018, a lady called Penny Barrington contacted us from the USA when she spotted on our website the Barrington Coat-of-Arms. Subsequent conversations by Email discovered that it probably belonged to her ancestor by the name of Henry Barrington. Some members of Shrivenham Heritage Society were keen to establish if there was a link with the Barringtons of Beckett. Further study of Armorials showed that the style of the Coat-of-Arms on the Seal matched very closely to the Barringtons of Ireland and in particular Sir John Barrington of Dublin. But it's interesting to note that the noble lineage of the Beckett Barringtons is of Ardglass in Ireland, so a link cannot be entirely ruled out.

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