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Bourton End House circa 1910, just a few years after being built. Photo courtesy of Paul Williams
Bourton End House circa 1925. Note more shrubbery & vegetation. Photo courtesy of Paul Williams
Bourton End Cottages circa 1920. Photo courtesy of Paul Williams
The location of Bourton End along the Bishopstone road out of Bourton
The map to which the description in the lease was referring.
Further land sold to John Arkell in 1945

Bourton End, Bourton, Berks

The information for this listing comes from the collection known as the Bourton House papers (BHP). The most detailed of the information comes from as Indenture dated 11th October 1910 between Cyril Kendall-Butler of Bourton House, and Edward Hugh Bedford Pim of The Lynch, Wanborough, a Lieutenant Colonel in H.M Army. The description; 'All that piece or parcel of land situate near Bourton containing 3a2r29p, together with the newly erected messuage or dwellinghouse, gardens, orchard, conservatories and out buildings erected and built threon and known as Bourton End. And secondly, all that parcel of land containing 5a0r10p with the two dwellinghouses or cottages, motor garage, stables and buildings recently erected and built thereon.' The lease of the property was for 21 years at £205 per annum.

From this it's possible to deduce that the house and cottages at this location were built circa 1905. There is no indication of why these buildings were so built, but other documents suggest that the person who commissioned the building was probably Joseph Tucker Burton Alexander Esq. He was the Grandson of Joseph Tucker one of the original brothers who earned so much success in the silk industry. He inherited some of his late Grandfather's land at Bourton that was passed to him through his mother.

To read a precis of the documents within this listing, and the sale of the property, please go HERE



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